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Showing posts with the label SharePoint 2010

Open Source #SharePoint File Clean-Up Tool

Hello SharePoint Community. Don't we just love sharing code sometimes? Well I figured this might help someone somewhere in the community. First off, some basic house keeping. Are you still running #Microsoft #SharePoint Server 2010? Are you looking at migrating/upgrading to a more recent version of SharePoint but you would like to first clean up your environment and potentially reduce the size of your content databases? Did you activate version history on some of your document libraries? Did you forget to set the maximum limit of versions to retain on some of your documents libraries? Do you wonder why some document libraries have grown so much in size and yet they don't have a lot of documents stored in them?

SharePoint Saturday (JHB): My Slidedeck and Demo Source Code

What a great event it was! Great sessions! Great venue and setup! Great speakers! Thumbs up to the Chief Organizer ( Veronique Palmer from Lets Collaborate ) and team! So I was a speaker at the 2012 SharePoint Saturday, for the second time (first was 2011 SP Saturday Cape Town and this time it was Johannesburg), giving a session on Stripping Search Service Application - Level 400 (Managed Properties). Thanks to the great audience, and as promised, the slidedeck is ready for download, so is the source code that I used during the demo. Once again, lets keep the interaction going, via twitter , email and LinkedIn Happy days!

SharePoint Alerts: The default 9 "Send Alerts for These Changes " Task List Alerts

Hello folks. Once upon a time, I was trying to create SharePoint Task list Alerts programmatically for each user that had been granted permissions to the specific site. The requirement was that these users would be assigned tasks and they needed to receive notifications summarising all the tasks that they had been assigned, on a daily basis.

SharePoint 2010 Search: Does not work when I’m offline…oh now it does!!!

Normally, for Specialists that are installing their SharePoint 2010 Demo environments, so as to demonstrate custom solutions to clients, they usually do their installations onto their machines (Laptops) that in most cases are connected to their company domains. So what happens when the Specialist goes home or is at a client site is that, their SharePoint 2010 Search fails to return any results, and the wonder why this is so when not only are there no errors being registered but they also have full permissions on anything they can think of, after all, they did the installation themselves using an account with admin privileges. ;)

SharePoint 2010: Did you know that......Taxonomy feature?

Recently, a lot of people have been faced with the Taxonomy error message that says "The Taxonomy feature (Feature ID “73EF14B1-13A9-416b-A9B5-ECECA2B0604C”) has not been activated" and they wonder why this is so when their installation is so clean, both on site collection features and site features, this Taxonomy feature is not listed, and the administrator ends up activating it via STSADM. Did you know that creating a BLANK SharePoint site collection does not activate the Taxonomy feature? well now you know :), so that you can now include this step in your deployment documentations.

SharePoint Tip: Did you know that… SharePoint Content types?

When creating SharePoint site columns and adding them to content types programmatically, we normally commit out changes by calling the update function in the syntax:- ContentType.Update();  Did you know that on the site content type you are updating, this function does not tick ‘Yes’ on the “Update all content types inheriting from this type?” but leaves it tick as ‘No’ as seen below, did you know? I didn’t. So now for this option to be tick ‘Yes’, you would have to call the same function, but this time pass the boolean as follows:- ContentType.Update(true); Please take note that I would have already declared ‘ContentType’ as SPContentType of course. Happy coding!

SharePoint: How to create a custom action to open Word Documents using "Edit in Microsoft Word".

Imagine you have a SharePoint custom search webpart, and on your search results, you return word documents, you will obviously want to at times be able to open them in your MS Word client program for editing. So basically, depending on your office client installed on your local machine, there are 2 different approaches that can be made for Office 2003 and Office 2007/10, using the same function " editDocumentWithProgID2 ". For Office 2003: - If your document libraries versioning settings have got "Require Check out" ticked, then you will first want to check out the document using: onclick ="CheckoutviaXmlhttp(‘{SiteURL}’, ‘{DocumentDownloadURL}’)" - Then to open the document, you use: onclick =" return editDocumentWithProgID2(‘ {DocumentDownloadURL} ’, ”, ‘SharePoint.OpenDocuments’, ’1′,’ {SiteURL} ’, ’0′);" href ="#" - and now combining the above 2 actions into one clickable action: onclick ="CheckoutviaXmlhttp(‘ {SiteURL} ’, ‘ {...

How to Scope your SharePoint Projects

The "SharePoint project scope" is all of the things that must be produced to complete a SharePoint project. These 'things' are called deliverables and you need to describe them in depth as early in the SharePoint project as possible, so everyone knows what needs to be produced. Take these 5 Steps to scope your SharePoint projects: Step 1: Set the Direction Start off by setting the direction for the SharePoint project. Do you have an agreed SharePoint project Vision, Objectives and Timeframes? Are they specified in depth and has your customer agreed to them? Does everyone in the SharePoint project team truly understand them and why they are important? Only by fixing the SharePoint project direction can you truly fix the SharePoint project scope. Step 2: Scope Workshops The best way to get buy-in to your SharePoint project scope is to get all of the relevant stakeholders to help you define it. So get your SharePoint project sponsor, customer and other stakeholders in a ...

Types of Event Receivers in SharePoint 2010

I recently have come to learn that there are 6 types of Event Receivers that can be done in SharePoint 2010. I thought I could share them here. List Events - Adding/ed a new list field. Updating/ed a field. List Item Events - Adding/ed a new list item or document. Document checking/ed in or out. Adding/ed an attachment. Deleting/ed an item or document. List Email Events - A list received an email. Web Events - Deleting/ed a site collection or site. Creating/ed a new site collection or sub site. Feature Events - Feature activating/ed or deactivating/ed. List Workflow Events - A workflow is starting/ed, postponed, or completed. Thanks to Isha.

Workflows from SPD 2010 wont automatically start

I recently had to do a workflow from SharePoint Designer 2010, that sends an email once a list item is created. After publishing it to its associated list in SharePoint 2010, I found that the workflow was not automatically starting when I create a list item, but when I manually start it, it would work. After some research, I found that I initially created it using the system account. So I then tried to use my own user account that was site collection admin on the site, to re-create the workflow, published it, and it now worked. Am still yet to understand why this is so.